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Writer's pictureShambhavi Dubey

The Chatter Box

There is only one way to write, but then there are a million ways not to write. What differentiates that one way? The answers lie in our thoughts!

How many times have you been in a situation where you have an imminent task, and you aren’t sure about what to do but still, your mind keeps on talking or wandering preposterously? Suddenly there is a surge of thoughts, that is difficult to shut. Again talking seems fine but doesn’t it become too tedious to deal with all the information, process it and come on to a conclusion?

Now this mind-wandering here shouldn’t be confused with daydreaming. Neither it should be associated with creative thinking nor some curious stuff. It’s all about that mind chatter we all go through daily.

Again after a lot of mind-babble, the reason behind this lack of attention, that I was able to contemplate is- we can’t decide what to focus on. It’s like our plates are already full, we don’t know what to start with, but still, we want to make room for more, and that to when we know that all of it will ultimately end in the trash. But have you ever wondered why? Don’t worry child! I don’t know about heaven but we have got a plan to sort it out :p. (Hold yourself!)

To me, this era is like a glass overflowing with information (data or whatever we call it). Contrary to being something useful and serving as knowledge, it has become a source of unease. But the question is what is the use of so much information when it can’t be managed? Or maybe this plethora of information has impaired us to prioritise, which is a step before we utilise,.…and do the needful… It’s like we all have become zombies, who feed on information but don’t care about what, how or where we get it from.

Indeed information is crucial, but what’s more crucial is to prioritise. But again, easier said than done. We all are so confused, but hey! Isn’t confusion a normal phenomenon? Yes, it is. but again The question is - to what extent will it be so normal and are we still in that stage of referring it to be just normal?

My grandfather once told me, while discussing his childhood struggles, that I am a lucky soul to be born in this era of information. I can learn or do whatever I want in the comfort of my home and then choose to move on to a new thing in the next moment. And yes he is right. When I ponder over things and the resources I have, I pretty much feel the same. But is it the reality? I think we all have our answers ready and have so much to rant about! Is it that easy to just get done with a thing and move on to the other one? (comment below)

We say data and information are the new fuel and we see the whole world running behind it. But what has this data given us or has it taken all away from us, that is necessary to be a human? Do we still love the same way that we use or there is always an initial thought of comparison to intimidate you? We have our unique answers …. I agree that this age of information seems to have made the whole world just a click away from us. But is this world the one we aspire to live in?

Yes, we are the scholarly millennials but are we the happy ones? Yes, we are carrying an advanced version of our ancestor's brains but has it got the time to just relax and think what we feel? Instead, it has become that loquacious being who doesn’t know what it wants. It doesn’t do a creative wander or daydream anymore. What it does is a lot of talking which doesn’t make a lot of sense. All it does is to engulf that one happy or meaningful thought of present with numerous moments of imagination based on so much that we process through various online and offline channels.

In this rush what we forget and miss out on are those small moments of happiness. And what are they? This here right now is your moment of happiness. Yes, the time when you are reading this or the time when you will be done reading and still be in that moment. Mental presence- the matching of the thought to action- is the real sign of true happiness. Don’t you remember the cliched thought “ live in the moment”? This is what it all means and this is how simple it is. Yet the chatterbox makes it seem so difficult.

I ain’t asking you to stop processing any information or stop reading articles and do put a full stop to any of it. The message here is to do one thing at a time. Remember how our grandparents get angry when we watch TV while eating? The reason is not to make your mind a chatterbox and help it process one thing at a time. I understand that in these times when we have so much to do it seems difficult, but is it so? I will leave you with that to ponder.

No problem if you didn’t do it up till now. Drop on to that concept of multitasking and multiprocessing of information, because it doesn’t exist. And even if it does, it won’t give you the best result because the effort you will make will always be a compromised one and how can you expect true satisfaction from something which isn’t full in itself?

So whatever you do, no matter how small it is, just give it your best, even if it’s something as trivial as washing your hands or singing a random funny song. Just stick to that single thing for that very moment and train your mind to chatter in a sensible way. Also, don't hold yourself from trying new things, because they help you identify what you really want to hold on to forever.

Come, let us begin now. All the best lovelies :)

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1 Comment

Test User
Test User
Aug 28, 2023

Very well written. we as the millennials have forgotten to live in/with the moment. It’s because of this plethora of thoughts and the readily available information we either live in past or think about the future. Living in the moment accepting it the way it is, taking down thoughts one at a time would not only make you a better version of yourself but it will also help your mental health upto a great extent. Love the way the author has put down his/her thoughts so precisely.

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